Monthly Archives: December 2016

December full moon

Early this morning was my first opportunity to photograph the full moon. It was -28 Celsius, with a wind chill of -38. But do I have enough sense to stay indoors? No. No, I do not.dsc_9826dsc_9828dsc_9845dsc_9877-2

When I came back inside an hour later, I had painful fingers and toes. I had a frozen camera body which I am defrosting inside a ziploc bag to avoid damaging condensation in the camera body.

But I had photos, and one of them was of a bald eagle winging its way north right past my view of the full moon. And that one made it worthwhile for me.

I may just stay inside for a while…

Late migration

Two days ago on the morning the snowstorm started, these Canada Geese flew over, headed directly south. They left it a little late, but the temperature was relatively mild so they should have been safely out of range before the present cold snap arrived.dsc_9555