Monthly Archives: December 2016
December full moon
Early this morning was my first opportunity to photograph the full moon. It was -28 Celsius, with a wind chill of -38. But do I have enough sense to stay indoors? No. No, I do not.
When I came back inside an hour later, I had painful fingers and toes. I had a frozen camera body which I am defrosting inside a ziploc bag to avoid damaging condensation in the camera body.
But I had photos, and one of them was of a bald eagle winging its way north right past my view of the full moon. And that one made it worthwhile for me.
I may just stay inside for a while…
The snow is lovely in the woods
Late migration
Two days ago on the morning the snowstorm started, these Canada Geese flew over, headed directly south. They left it a little late, but the temperature was relatively mild so they should have been safely out of range before the present cold snap arrived.
The snow arrives
Leaf in winter rain
Instead of snow, we had rain this past week. The fragile decaying leaves of the carrionflower, Smilax, were turned to silver and gold, and gleamed in the dull cloudy afternoon.