Tag Archives: Flowers

Wild honeysuckle

I am intrigued by vines that grow naturally in Manitoba. Because I think of them as a more tropical plant form, I’m always pleasantly surprised when I see one. And their natural twining abilities impress and amaze me.

I have seen the wild honeysuckle in varying colours, from yellow, to yellow and orange, right on through to a definite red.

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Prairie Crocus and honey bee

This little honey bee was digging down into those pistils and stamens in a nearly delirious way. Its pollen baskets, or corbiculae, on its hind legs were full, but it just couldn’t stop.

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

A hairy little guy on a hairy little flower.

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

But the delicate tracery on the fairy-like wings, the translucent sheen, how amazing. And I would never have seen it if it wasn’t for my camera’s close-up function.

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus

Prairie crocus