Monthly Archives: March 2017

The demise of winter

It rained all day yesterday. The already compacted and frozen snow was alright to walk on, but in some places there was ice on the snow, and water on the ice, and the rain was bringing a forceful thaw. It was cold, cold, cold in the rain and wind, even though the temperature read +1C. I came home chilled, sad at the ending of winter, and determined not to go out in that ugly weather again until I could walk reasonably, with less fear of slipping on the ice.

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Full moon setting, sun rising

Early this morning the full moon was still shining, so I dressed for the cold and headed out. -18C, wind chill -24.

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I walked to the pasture.

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My fingers were painfully cold by the end of the half hour or more I spent with the moon. And one of the horses came to watch, and nip my parka.

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When I turned to go back inside, the sun was just rising.
