Tag Archives: Plants

Wild honeysuckle

I am intrigued by vines that grow naturally in Manitoba. Because I think of them as a more tropical plant form, I’m always pleasantly surprised when I see one. And their natural twining abilities impress and amaze me.

I have seen the wild honeysuckle in varying colours, from yellow, to yellow and orange, right on through to a definite red.

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Fragrant Bedstraw

Here’s a pretty little plant. I have not yet dried the leaves of fragrant bedstraw to try the fragrance. They are too pretty to pick!

Fragrant Bedstraw

Fragrant Bedstraw

I saw these tiny specimens a few weeks ago, nestled in the lichen.

Fragrant Bedstraw in lichen

Fragrant Bedstraw in lichen

It looks like someone, or something, has been nibbling on the tips.

Wild Cucumber

As I was walking along the road near our farm yesterday, I saw these in the ditch. Such an exotic looking seed pod.

Wild Cucumber

Wild Cucumber

And those crazy curly tendrils, like the telephone cords of wall phones from long ago. Well, a decade ago. Well, some of us still have them.

Wild Cucumber

Wild Cucumber

Wild cucumber, Echinocystis lobata. The name Echinocystis comes from the Greek echinos for “hedgehog” and cystis for “bladder”.

I remember taking photos at the same spot last September, so I hereby present some from that season. Same plant, in its long ago youth.

Wild Cucumber

Wild Cucumber

I love the combination of green spikes, green tendrils, green leaf curves, green shadow.

Wild Cucumber

Wild Cucumber

Guess what’s peeking out of that seed pod.

Wild Cucumber seeds

Wild Cucumber seeds

I find two of these seeds still wrapped in a scrap of paper on the corner of my kitchen counter. I will definitely be attempting germination and planting on a garden trellis or pole structure, in the seemingly distant spring and summer yet to come.